19 November 2008

Wino Forever

That's one of Johnny Depp's tattoos. It originally read Winona Forever.

Love can be so fickle, eh?

Anyway, speaking of wine. Does your palate find Thunderbird or MadDog 20/20 somewhat lacking in taste and distinction? Well, maybe it's time to try something new. Below are two sites that list the wineries in the 50 states.

The first reminds me of the early days of the Internet being text based, but it's still an extensive list at All American Wineries.

The second is a bit more visual and also has enough wineries listed to keep you busy sampling their wares, it's the Wineries by State website.


Fish-2 said...

I have visited every winery in the state of Nevada according to that second list. One - in Parhump. We were there the first year of it's opening. They made the wine there but imported the grapes from California. They had planted a large number of vines but the deer and mountain goats drifted down from the Spring Mountains and ate them all to the ground. I don't know how well they're doing now.

Gun Trash said...

Well, it looks like they recovered okay, Fish. Here's their website.