03 March 2018
17 February 2018
24 March 2017
No, sweetheart, it's a misogynistic death cult
20 March 2017
Dept of Defense budget is $596 billion
24 September 2015
Words that shouldn't be on the same page together
The words? "Democratic Party" and "moral authority" as written in this National Journal piece.
Wikipedia gives us the following, "Moral authority is authority premised on principles, or fundamental truths, which are independent of written, or positive, laws. As such, moral authority necessitates the existence of and adherence to truth."
The key bit there are the last three words, "...adherence to truth." Truth and a Democrat politician are like oil and water. They just don't mix together, at all. It's makes you think of that old joke, "Question: How do you know when a Democrat is lying? Answer: His lips are moving." Or, in this case, it's "her" lips.
16 April 2015
12 January 2015
29 January 2013
Just do it!
02 March 2010
DIY Boatbuilding
He referred me to this company which he says was the best. I have to confess that while I like woodworking I never considered building my own boat. Picnic tables, fences, dog houses, and a two-story garage are more my DIY style. Still, after looking the website over I can see that if you were into boating AND woodworking that it might be interesting to build your own.
Then again I think of that old joke about the two happiest days in a boatowner's life - that first day with the boat in the water and then the day he sells it. :-)
15 September 2009
A plethora of apple goodness links
12 September 2009
A plethora of DIY cooking stoves
10 September 2009
A plethora of sawhorses
If I decide to build another set I think I'll build these stackable horses There are many other sawhorse plans out there so if I don't like that style, I can always find another to try.
In fact, toolcrib makes it easy by offering 38 different sawhorse plans.
07 September 2009
A cartoon cornucopia
26 July 2009
They believe
I'm no bible-thumper but put simply, I believe.
22 July 2009
No, Amanda, that just shows your limited thinking
This comment was made at a CNN web page concerning the amendment to allow people to carry concealed weapons across state lines.
Amanda July 21st, 2009 6:18 pm ET
I don't carry a weapon and would never carry one. What is wrong with all these machos who think they cannot leave the house without it ? Guns kill.
No, Amanda, guns do not kill. I've kept a Colt revolver in the nightstand drawer for almost 20 years and it hasn't killed one person, as far as I know. I take it out of that drawer once a year; take it to the range; put about 24 shots through it to confirm it's still functional (it's going on 50 yrs old, soon); clean it; oil it; and then it goes back into the drawer.
People kill, Amanda. Yes, they use guns but also they use shovels, knives, poison, automobiles, blunt instruments, you-name-it.
You get the picture now, don't you, Amanda? Guns do NOT kill, Amanda, people kill.
Your comment, "Guns kill." shows your limited thinking on the issue, if not your ignorance.
14 July 2009
10 July 2009
Awesome site, but no Albie SKS?
01 July 2009
25 June 2009
20 June 2009
I don't think so. Not for me, anyways
The second?
That it actually gets warm enough in Montpelier, Vermont to do so. I thought Vermont was like Canada South or something similar.
Hey, I'm of a libertarian bent, so do what you want as long as it doesn't adversely affect me. However, I have to say that there's some folks pictured there that really shouldn't go naked in public or maybe even in private. It's not pretty.
12 May 2009
I didn't know that
02 April 2009
Very useful, if you use Firefox
Worth a look if you use Firefox.

05 March 2009
What a ride
The official story was that they supported the space mission and were also used to retrieve weather balloons. Unofficial talk was they had been used to lift Special Forces folks out of the jungle in southeast Asia.
Whichever story was true satisfied any curiosity I might have had. It wasn't until some years later that I read about their real mission. I imagine that was some ride for the guy in the harness.
04 March 2009
Halt, thief!
If for nothing else it seems to have good info on how to alert your creditors and lessen the financial pain.
11 February 2009
Here's where to stash all of those youtube videos
How To Get 124 GB in Free Online Storage
I use Microsoft's Live Skydrive as a backup for the ton of digital pics of census data that I've collected over the years in my genealogical research. Also, Microsoft has recently upped the storage available to 25 GB per account. That's a bunch.
06 February 2009
For the paranoia in you
05 February 2009
Don't waste your time
03 February 2009
19 January 2009
This is confusing
That would be wrong. It's actually an apple. The Hoosiers christened it thus in Cass County, Indiana in 1876.
I like apples and it's a rare day that I don't eat at least a half of one. But I pass on the ubiquitous Red Delicious as I agree with the opinion that it no longer is. My wife and I prefer the Gala, Braeburn, Cameo or Pacific Rose varieties. They cost a bit more but there's a world of difference in taste.