05 September 2005

Republicans appoint liberal judges? So says Chuck.

An oldie from May of this year, but with two vacancies now on the Supreme Court, it might just have some timeliness to it. Here 'tis:

Chuck Baldwin says Republican presidents seldom appoint conservative judges. In fact, he wonders why we conservatives got worked up over the judicial filibuster issue.

"...it really doesn't matter to a tinker's dam whether President Bush's appointees are filibustered to death or actually seated on the bench. Roe v Wade will not be overturned, abortion on demand will continue to enjoy legal status, courts will continue to deny people the right to display public acknowledgments of God, the rush to institute a hemispheric (and even global) economy will travel full speed ahead, "alternative" lifestyles will continue to enjoy legal protection, and illegal immigration will continue to bask in the protections and amenities of federal accommodations."

I've read Chuck before and he is a take-no-prisoners, conservative, Christian broadcaster and writer. So, some may find the whole article a bit strong. But, he certainly gets the point across with a pretty convincing argument.


Hill Billy Rave said...

Chuck is right about the Judges. The whole thing is a bunch of hoopla. NOw, I do beleive that the only way the Democrats can get their agenda across is through the courts. So, for Conservatives and Libertarians it's a now win situation.
I suppose that I should go read the Article.

Gun Trash said...

Yeah, go have a read, it's not that long, A.I., promise.

Gun Trash said...

Yes, it is a good piece, rather long, but very enlightening. We've never met, Moe, but I'm not surprised you were there defending the flag of our ancestors. Good on you! And I despise racists, of all colors.

Heritage, not hate.


Scots-Irish or Scotch-Irish, I'm never sure which is correct, but if you click on the Red Hand of Ulster over there in the right hand column you'll find some interesting reading and links on our history. The "our" being America & the ancestors of the Scots-Irish (Ulster) here in USA.

Incidentally, if you click on it, have your speakers on, that song is "Hi, Uncle Sam". Difficult to understand with that thick Irish brogue, but the words can be found here I believe it was a poem written in the 19th century, then put to song. It points out the significant role the Ulsterman played in establishing our country.