29 June 2005

Next time try robbing a gun shop

What is this guy thinking - A string of donut shop robberies? Didn't he realize that eventually he was going to run into one, it just so happened this one was off-duty, but still...

Plus, you just have to love the paragraph, "He allegedly held up the doughnut shop to get gas money to drive his mother's car to a court appearance on weapons charges."


Barb said...

A minor Darwin award - or whatever the equivalent is for dorks who don't die from their stupidity. Yep - good reason to rob donut shops, dimwit!

Gun Trash said...

Yeah, not only a minor Darwin for that brainy strategy, but that paragraph about robbing the shop to buy gasoline for mom's car so he could drive to his court appearance screams L-O-S-E-R!

I don't even have see the guy or talk to him to know he is a major Eff-Up in the big game of life.