01 June 2005

I'm It

Well, I see that the Gamecock has tagged me with a Music Meme. I've eclectic tastes, from Acuff to Zep'lin. If it's good music, that's what matters, the genre's not important. Having said that, though, I've yet to hear a rap song that I like.

The Last CD I Bought: Planet Ulster by the Ulster Scots Folk Orchestra.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the American distributor for Ulster Scots is about an hour down the road from me, who is:

Sandy Knipp
500 Knipp Hollow
Moorehead, KY 40351
Email: s.knipp (the at sign goes here) moreheadstate.edu

Excellent service and fast shipping. Also, notice that they must think a lot of Sandy over there in Rowan County, as they've named the road after her!

Song (CD) playing right now: The New and Improved Me by the Holmes Brothers (about the tightest 3 piece group I ever heard)

Five songs that I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me:

Cabin on the Hill by Flatt & Scruggs (Jake Tullock steals it with that high harmony)

Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan

Mannish Boy by Muddy Waters (the version from the Hard Again album, produced by Johnny Winter)

Jimmy Brown, The News Boy by Mac Wiseman (roots music)

Crossroads by Derek and the Dominos (the live version, 8:36 min. Clapton's intro, two strings, tone, phrasing, a hint of distortion - Robert Johnson couldn't have done it better)

Oh, I'm supposed to tag someone else, I overlooked that part. I only really "know" a few others who might not get too upset with a music meme tossed their way. So, I'll tag Traveling Ed and Appalachian Intellect. There's also a few others I thought of, but don't really know 'em that well. It's like dropping in on people unexpected, I don't much care for it, so I try not to do it either. Call first.


Ramblin' Ed said...

OK, I'm game. However, I don't know what is expected of me. What is a musical meme (Me..me..what I used to say 43 years ago when in the presence of cookies) and what does a someone who is tagged do to rectumfy the sitchy-ation??

I am waiting on pins and poodles...

Gun Trash said...

Moe, I'm just starting to build a collection of Scottish, Ulster, and Celtic stuff, so I'm not much help. Have you tried some of the Scottish and Celtic Music Forums? Have you checked out this bucket o' links?

Ed, just follow my format or Moe's and put in your music info and post it to your blog. If there's someone you think you can "tag"' with it to do likewise, go for it. If not, if you're like me, sorta Lone Wolf McQuade, then don't worry about it, just let end with you. Gotta end some place, right?

Ramblin' Ed said...

Ah so, grasshopper. Well, you and AI are the only readers I've got that also have blogs so I guess we'd better have them play taps on this thing.

I do like the term Lone Wolf McQuade* better than Loser. Might adopt that one instead.

*Remember when he got buried in his truck and he drove it right up from underground? Now that was cool.


Gun Trash said...

Well, to be honest, I didn't understand the MeMe thing, either. But, here's da skinny on it at Wikipedia.

Hill Billy Rave said...

Well, I came here to find the Task Condition's and Standards(no, you can't tell ever worked for TRADOC) of this meme thing. What iz meme, what duz it do?...I'm game as well. I done figured who I will tag. OK..give me a day or so.

Barb said...

Well, thanks to GunTrash leading me back here, I'll have to check out all yer blogs ;-)

You weren't kidding on the eclectic part, were you GT? The funnest part of these memes is learning about new stuff (music, movies, whatever) and reading new blogs!

Gun Trash said...

Yeah, blues and bluegrass, it is a strange mix. Righto about memes, it lets go new places and meet new people. I'll be dropping by your place now and then, also.
